Central County Fire & Rescue

For more than a decade, our team has worked with Central County Fire & Rescue to develop and implement a research-based communications program to help them effectively reach more than 90,000 residents and businesses in St. Peters.
Our all-inclusive communications efforts with them include community engagement, marketing, public relations and branding services. We developed and now assist with the management of  their printed newsletter, e-newsletter, social media, and website. Our team also assists with signage, truck wraps and other printed materials.
Over the years, we have helped them to update their logo for a more contemporary and consistent brand that would set them apart from other districts in the area, and assisted with two successful tax levy referendums and one bond issue campaign. 
The positive impact of these efforts were supported when a survey found that resident opinions of the district have improved — including an increase in trust in the district and its leadership — and that those residents feel they are well informed about the district news and happenings.

Services Provided:

  • Strategy 
  • Marketing 
  • Communications 
  • Design and Branding 
  • Media Relations 
  • Social Media Management 
  • Photography 
  • Videography 
  • Public Opinion Research 
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